So, I have been reading Tamara's blog. I know, I shouldn't... You see, it is just that every time that I read it I hope to find some shred of the person that I hope that she really is.
Her latest foray into blogdom rips into a friend of mine whom is successful in the decorating world. Tamara was disappointed when visiting said freind's new store because she was not recognized, somehow this is my fault of course because I can do nothing better than talk shit on Tamara to all that I meet.
Tamara, perhaps she didn't recognize you because you dyed your hair and lost weight? Maybe it had to do with the fact that you haven't seen her for nearly two years? Perhaps it was due to the large number of customers that she was attending to?
She had a terrible head cold a while back, maybe she was overly medicated?
I don't know...
I was back there about a month ago, do you know how often your name came up in conversation with her? Never. Do you know why? I was busy, working and carting my kids around. Our posthumously lived friendship has nothing to do with her or anyone else for that matter. Here is a list of people that I have talked about you with since you moved on:
My family (includes mother, brother and sister-in-law but not my children)
Detective Devito (he asked who you were in regards to the police report)
Feel free to contact should you be interested in what I had to say.
Good God...
You know what, I didn't want your furniture. I have found a use for what you left behind. We gave away some of it sold some of it and we are using your dresser, coat tree, and your silverware. You left, when asked what you wanted us to do with it you told us to sell it or use it.
I will again point out that you did not have to leave when you did, you could have gotten a job and an apartment etc. You could have gotten a truck to help you move your stuff.
And what does any of that have to do with my religion?
B. why am I a hypocrite?
I do endeavor to be a decent human being, I am a Catholic. I, like most people, fail to meet the standards that I have set for myself. Perhaps I do need to mention you in confession, but then again I would have to add Father George to list of people I had talked with you about. I just don't get the correlation between religion and me being a hypocrite.
You hold people to very high standards and hold your self to well really, no standard. If someone had acted upon you the way that you have treated my family, well, just remember the guy who owed your dad money. I haven't sent a collection agent after you or told PCC that you are not in fact a resident of Oregon. I have not sent your creditors your forwarding address (we get letters at least a few times a week that we write "No longer at this address" and send back. deal with my brother for the love of God. Have you told everybody about that?
I just am not sure. What do you want Tamara? I am gonna put this out there for the greater cosmos...
I am sorry for whatever you think we did to you. I am sorry that you think I am a hypocrite. I am pissed at you, you still haven't taken care of the issue with my brother. You insinuated yourself in the investigation for Emillie. You left a bunch of shit undone here. But of course, I am the hypocrite. I don't know why I care, no I do know why I care: you were my good friend and now your not. I want the best for you, truly. I don't want you to be unhappy, I don't want you to get shit on. That being said, I can't put up with your shit.
Take note:
What ever I did to you, it was not malicious. Can you say the same for your actions? Tamara, you ripped open the issue with my sister and then blogged about how ineffectual my family was. What the hell was that? You lived with us for a year and couldn't have talked to me about this? Maybe pointed out the fact that I was in denial? No, you wait till the moment is right and then use your perceived knowledge against you perceived foe. Well, whatever, worked out better for me anyway. Now I have a hat tree. Holy shit...
What do you want? Just say it.
Is this really about furniture? Have you ever talked to Erin about all of this?
Lets try to Tally this up
A place to live in Portland, OR for free (10 months?)$2500
Free Internet $350
Free electricity $200?
Free water $300
Free natural gas $150
Occasional free food and other various necessities $200?
Occasional dog walking free with purchase
Apparently a plane ticket back to KS free of charge $400?
One less room in their house -$2500
increased utility bills -$1000
a rusty mattress and box spring gave it away on Craig's list
a pile of clothes that needed to be dry cleaned gave them to the Goodwill because Buffalo Exchange didn't want them
occasional childcare + $400
some silverware +200
several particle board pieces of furniture I got $35 on craigslist kept the dresser cause we needed one for the girls so lets say + 135
a hat tree +15
I am sure that there are more on both lists, I think you left some books here another $20+ for you? I am not sure, it seems that it all came down to this type of shit.
I will work on that whole hypocrite thing...
Dude. That is one sweet hat tree.
I have met with great enlightenment in its pressence...
Surely you wouldn't put a price on enlightenment?
Crap, I should use spell check (see above)
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